Orphalese in Translation

Orphalese in Translation

If you are using the program or viewing the website in a language other than English you might have noticed some gaps in the translations. This is because the program is in a continuous state of evolution and there is often a delay before new words and phrases are translated into each language.

You can help keep the program up to date! If you are able and willing to translate from English to another language, please fill in the form on this page.

After you register using this form you should get an email with your log-in details. If you don't get an email check your spam filter or let me know.

Application Form
Please select one of the existing lanugages or enter the name of a new one if it is not on the list.
Quick Links:

Free Licences

To see the current state of play of the translations for the Website and Program itself please click here. As a general rule I am happy to give a free licence to anyone who can translate a significant chuck (say 20%) of either the website or program, obviously the more the better. If in doubt just drop me a line at translations@orphalese.net.

Important: When you feel you have done enough and you want to take advantage of the offer of a free licence then please let me know.

Translator Instructions

For detailed instructions on how to do the translations please click here.