The list on the left where it says Language Items is the list of items which
need to be translated. This could be because they are new items, or because they are items that were
translated previously but the English has subsequently been edited, meaning the translation is out of date.
To the right of this list are two large text areas which correspond to the item selected on this list.
The one marked Item Text is the actual text of the item
in English, so this is what should be translated. The area below it is where you type in the translation into your
own language. Replace the text in this area with a correct and up to date translation of the text in the
Item Text box. To do this you first press the Unlock button. This unlocks the item for your exclusive attention,
preventing other translators from changing your work.
There are two situations which you should be particularly careful:
1) When both sets of text are in English. When a language is first added to the database each item for that
language is copied from the existing English. However, sometimes the English will have been edited in the meantime, so
when both items are in English it is important to remember to look at the text in the Item Text box, not
at the English text you are replacing. The text in the Item Text box is always definitive.
2) When an item looks like it has already been translated. It may be in the list because the English has been
edited. Please check that translation is still good in these cases.
Underneath the main list is a check box marked Include Approved Items. When this is checked the list will
not be filtered to only contain items pending approval. It will also include items that have been previously translated
and have been flagged as OK. This is useful when you are using the program itself or the website and you notice
something which has been translated badly or contains a typing mistake. In this case check the box, enter some text
from the item you are trying to find in the search box and press search. You should be able to find the item and
correct it.
Important: When you feel you have done enough
and you want to take advantage of the offer of a free licence then please let me know. I can be contacted at